Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Final Wall

Hey guys, I apologize for the late posting of my in-progress wall, I had quite some complications in acquiring a camera, surprisingly. The first picture is one of the first models I brought to class. Confusing and chaotic, I was surprised that I stayed--somewhat--in this initial design. I was really focused on the relationship of skeletal versus mass as well as the idea of staggering. Staggering was a more subtle theme I tried to introduce. The initial idea of habitable space, which was not quite clear in this model, was to create different layers of space within the wall. That is, I had stairs on the back of the right hand side of the wall which led to what was hopefully two/three (probably two) platforms embedded in the wall for visitors to sit and take in the view. And, I had tried to plan these platforms such that the second/third one (above the doorway that cut off the left hand side corner) would be totally exposed to both the community center and the outside world. Of course, with the actual size of the wall, this was an impossible and thinking back on it, a little ludicrous.

The wall was divided in the rule of thirds, popular in any basic photography class. I used this proportion because I wanted to create a unique zen view by using my (then) triangles' meeting points as some kind of angled window.

However, over the course of the assignment, I scrapped idea of the triangles. I went ahead to build a 1/4" scale of a wall out of paper. Well, it was more of a model of what my favorite part of a wall would be. And that was the journey. I built this skeletal hallway of 8' and 10' squares gradually increasing in height until the sitting space then decreasing back to normal until the community center. This really helped me to play with my ideas since I soon got fed up with lopsided, weird 3D shapes on paper.

Hmmm...the blog does not seem to want to let me post my hard earned pictures. I promise they will be up soon since it took so long to take them.

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