Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Final Model

In my final model I played with the idea of mass vs skeletal by having the frame poke out from the corner of the model. This also served as a zen view. I decided to make the frame's scale different from the model scale because I figured the easiest way to build a frame would be in 5x5 ft sections. Since the corner that is cut out is 9x9, the frame appears a little asymmetrical--which is something I liked.
I had open slits in the plan of the inside wall so that light would shine into the intruding squares. On the outside wall the squares extrude out rather than intrude in, making shadows and lighting a big part of both the inner wall and the outer wall.
I used layering to make the model interesting since the walls were already so thick, and also in order to create a habitable space.
The pattern that kept re-0ccurring in my model is that idea of the 2 rectangles with one rectangle below. I brought this into the habitable space to create windows and a place to sit in. I used the theme of the 9x7 rectangles to create a bookshelf in the habitable space.
As you can tell, my original model and final model are very different-I was really pleased with the outcome!

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